Pitch Deck
During my initial foray into Adobe Illustrator, I embarked on the challenge of crafting my first logo. Given the constraints of time and my novice status, the endeavor proved to be quite demanding. The aspect I enjoyed the most was delving into competitor analysis and user research. This exploration led me to discover my affinity for human-centered design, emphasizing the importance of intentional design in everything I create.
Looking back on this project a year and a half later, I recognize the potential for improvement. In future iterations, I would streamline the design by incorporating fewer elements to ensure the logo's clarity from a distance. Additionally, I would include HEX codes and specific typefaces in my slide deck for a more comprehensive presentation. I would also use colors that have significant meaning to the city, rather than colors that I find visually appealing. 
While the completion of this midterm presented numerous challenges, it ultimately served as a valuable learning experience. Reflecting on it, I acknowledge the need for refinement and intend to apply the lessons learned in future projects. I look forward to revisiting this assignment, armed with the new skills I've acquired along the way.
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